Dr. Salomé Voegelin
Principle Investigator
Salomé Voegelin is an artist and writer engaged in listening as a socio-political practice of sound. Her work and writing deal with sound, the world sound makes: its aesthetic, social and political realities that are hidden by the persuasiveness of a visual point of view. Voegelin is the author of Listening to Noise and Silence 2010, Sonic Possible Worlds 2014, and The Political Possibility of Sound 2018. All three books discuss listening as an alternative perspective on reality and granting access to the unseen slices of its construction. They suggest that the different knowledge afforded by sound offers new insights on how things are and permits speculation on how else they could be.
Voegelin’s work brings the philosophy of sound to a participatory engagement: She co-convenes Points of Listening a series of monthly events that engages in collective listening and communal sound making, with Mark Peter Wright www.pointsoflistening.wordpress.com. And her textual phonography blog www.soundwords.tumblr.com is the template for a participatory and public listening, writing and score making.
As an artist Voegelin works collaboratively with David Mollin, Mollin+Voegelin, in a practice that engages words, things and sound and focuses on invisible connections, transient behaviour and unseen rituals. Voegelin is a Professor of Sound at the London College of Communication, University of the Arts London.