Sound Studies Lab, Copenhagen
Prof. Holger Schulze
Holger Schulze is professor in musicology at the University of Copenhagen and founded the Sound Studies Lab in 2011. The foundation phase of the lab was funded by the German Research Foundation DFG at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Leuphana Universität Lüneburg. The lab invites young and experienced scholars and artists to do research on the sonic sensory aspects of individual lives and in heterogenuous societies, cultures and historical eras. The lab operates in mobile, experiential and field-based research environments. The basic research strategies of the lab are field research, critical analysis & sonic artifacts.
The research of the lab operates in permanent exchange, evaluation, collaboration and cooperation with the most advanced and the most influential international researchers and artists in the field of the sound studies. The researchers and authors, the artists and designers of the Sound Studies Lab document their research processes and publish the results of their research projects on sound studies in a broad variety of formats: in research blogs, in articles for academic journals and art- or music-related magazines, in public lectures, presentations, conferences as well as in specialized workshops and university courses, in sound art installations and performances, in radio features or experimental sound art pieces. Research assistants, guest researchers and research collaborators working at the lab in the past decade came from Denmark, Finland, Hungary, Germany, The Netherlands, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.