Urbanidentity, Zurich
Dr. Trond Maag

Trond Maag is a city sound urbanist who deals with the quality of public spaces and the development of urban areas. In cooperation with sound artist Andres Bosshard he conducts citymaking projects and performs multidisciplinary studies, workshops, expert walks and research to support masterplans and architecture projects. He is also responsible for urban sound planning at the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment. His work on the acoustic quality of the urban public realm was awarded in 2013 by the European Environment Agency.
Maag works with Urbanidentity, a collaborative research group that emphasises listening, in particular when performed during soundwalks, as vital to planning and designing the everyday city. Soundwalks complement construction plans, noise maps, and mock-ups. In particular, they give local people a chance to get involved in the design process. Professional participants get a chance to synchronise their ideas and sound quality judgements about a specific place. Soundwalks are achievable steps of «citymaking» because the participants communicate the idea of a place's audible qualities to other acoustic actors of the city.