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Dr. Mary Ingraham

Professor of Musicology and Director of folkwaysAlive at the University of Alberta, Canada

Dr. Mary Ingraham is an interdisciplinary researcher whose interests hover among the fields of cultural studies, human geography, musicology, and intersensory studies of sound, listening, and the materiality of musical experience. Mary has been exploring social and political perspectives on the creation and performance of music and sound in Canada for over 20 years. Her interests are historical and contemporary, critical and pedagogical, and converge in a critique of social systems that enact western hegemonic paradigms through cultural expression. Current activities in scholarly teaching and research include DIY digital-aural ethnography, expressions of interculturality, and the role of sounds and media in cultural preservation and memory. Mary is Professor of Musicology and Director of folkwaysAlive at the University of Alberta and is currently leading the development there of a new interdisciplinary and cross-faculties research institute for sound studies. Her research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Kule Institute for Advanced Study.