Synthetic Voices and Protocols Workshop

What constitutes a socially responsible synthetic voice? Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright recently led a workshop with our project partner Prof. Simon King at The Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh. ‘Umms and ahhs: intelligibility and naturalness across disciplines’ explored notions of intelligibility and naturalness as they are practiced between speech synthesis … Continued


Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright recently visited Dr Debbie Thackray, one of our project partners in Health Sciences at the University of Southampton. Debbie is a lecturer in Physiotherapy and specializes in auscultation (listening to the body via stethoscope) and simulation-based learning. We discussed a range of fascinating topics that included how students are … Continued

Vocabularies Workshop

A tabletop with pastel coloured notes discussing ideas around vocabularies.

Today members of the Listening Across Disciplines team and project partner Julian Weaver (Finetuned Ltd) began our initial discussions around developing sonic ‘vocabularies‘. We opened up many questions around dismantling and ‘re-mantling,’ ethics, authorship and the anthropology of words. We are very excited about where the next discussions and developments will take us.  

Wellcome Collection Keynote Presentation

‘Sounding the Archive’ at The Wellcome Collection was a much anticipated event for the LxDII team. The event was curated by Dr Louise Gray, specifically around the investigations of LxD, who were invited to present a joint keynote lecture drawing from their explorations of the collection’s archives. Prof Salomé Voegelin, Prof Anna Barney, Dr Mark … Continued

Oslo Research Visit

Images shows Tond Magg holding small traffic cones

The LxDII team recently visited Oslo to speak with project partner Trond Maag who works with Urbanidentity, a collaborative research group that emphasizes listening, in particular when performed during soundwalks, as vital to planning and designing the everyday city. We discussed the complexities of noise, architectural interventions and the method of soundwalking as an experiential … Continued