Centre for Speech Technology Research

Image show a computer screen with a zoomed in image of an eyeball

Mark Peter Wright recently spent an embedded period of time working with LxDII partner Prof. Simon King, director of the Centre for Speech Technology Research, University of Edinburgh. Researchers at the centre are working on a plethora of speech synthesis related projects that include areas such as prosody, measuring cognitive load (the effort of listening) … Continued

Wellcome Collection Research Visit

Today we had an inspiring research visit to The Wellcome Collection in preparation for our keynote lecture as part of Sounding the Archive, an early career research masterclass taking place at the Wellcome Collection on June 28th, 2019. We will be discussing and performing with specific items from the catalogue collections as a way to … Continued

UAL Interviews

We have been interviewing various sound arts practitioners at University of the Arts, London during Phase One of the research. These interviews are forming vital research into the ways in which artists listen, how their listening is informed and what they might be listening for. The interviews will eventually form part of a radio series … Continued

Institute of Sound and Vibration Research

Image of an acoustic testing room featuring two airplane chairs and multiple speakers.

The LxDII team recently visited the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton. Salomรฉ Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright interviewed three researchers working across a range of contexts including virtual sound design, noise cancellation and home media. Within each conversation we discussed the relationship between hearing sound and seeing data; language … Continued

Workshop on Listening Methods

Image shows students holding a spectrogram and discussing what they might hear in the image

Salomรฉ Voegelin, Anna Barney and Mark Peter Wright co-designed and led a workshop with MA Sound Arts students at London College of Communication. The session explored the ways in which students listen to specific examples from sound arts and the sciences; what methods and approaches are employed; how identification can aid or hinder knowledge; and … Continued