Developing Vocabularies

LxDII’s work on listening protocols and vocabularies have interlinked with each research phase. Rather than separate the two topics we are working through the possibilities that a protocol has both direct and implied vocabularies embedded in its construction. In generating vocabularies we do not want to produce a conventional glossary of words from a narrow … Continued

Vocabularies Workshop

A tabletop with pastel coloured notes discussing ideas around vocabularies.

Today members of the Listening Across Disciplines team and project partner Julian Weaver (Finetuned Ltd) began our initial discussions around developing sonic ‘vocabularies‘. We opened up many questions around dismantling and ‘re-mantling,’ ethics, authorship and the anthropology of words. We are very excited about where the next discussions and developments will take us.  

Institute of Sound and Vibration Research

Image of an acoustic testing room featuring two airplane chairs and multiple speakers.

The LxDII team recently visited the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research at the University of Southampton. Salomé Voegelin and Mark Peter Wright interviewed three researchers working across a range of contexts including virtual sound design, noise cancellation and home media. Within each conversation we discussed the relationship between hearing sound and seeing data; language … Continued