Radio broadcasts on Resonance FM: Series 2

A flyer for the radio broadcast series with the words A series of weekly broadcasts on responance FM from March 1st 18.30 UK time.

LxDII are very proud to announce the release of our second series of radio broadcasts on Resonance 104.4 FM. This series presents listening as a professional practice, diagnostic strategy and investigative method in the fields of audiology, engineering, museums, pedagogy, archives, sonification and sound arts. The programmes will air at 6.30pm (UK time) on Tuesdays … Continued

Sounding Knowledge Network Grant

LxDII are excited to announce that Salomรฉ Voegelin (PI) will be continuing her research into sonic pedagogy with a new AHRC Network Grant: Sounding Knowledge Network, with Co-I Werner Friedrichs, Academic Director in Civic Education, University of Bamberg, Germany. The core research team also includes Dr Kevin Logan (Sound Artist and Associate Lecturer at UAL), … Continued

Protocols and Vocabularies with Trond Maag

LxDII has been working steadily on strands of the project relating to listening vocabularies and protocols. During the first phase of the project, which ran as a network between 2015 and 2016, and led up to Listening Across Disciplines II, the team identified a distinct need for shared vocabularies of listening. During the initial networking … Continued

Phase 5: Data Sonification

profile photo of Sandra Pauletto

  LXDII has moved into a new phase of research with its partner: the Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE), London School of Economics. Dr Tania Burchardt and Dr Bert Provan are sharing their research on the different dimensions of social disadvantage, particularly from longitudinal and neighbourhood perspectives, as well as impacts on public … Continued

Developing Vocabularies

LxDIIโ€™s work on listening protocols and vocabularies have interlinked with each research phase. Rather than separate the two topics we are working through the possibilities that a protocol has both direct and implied vocabularies embedded in its construction. In generating vocabularies we do not want to produce a conventional glossary of words from a narrow … Continued